
Battistel Amiotti Srl was established as an Ltd Company during 1926 by two young business-parteners , Mario Battistel and Luigi Amiotti .
The Business purpose was to Represent, on Italian market, Companies selling raw cotton on international market.
The two friends strongly believe in cotton business and foresee its big delevopment potential so that is 1926 they move to the United States of
America to obtain an international patent to evaluate and trade cotton.
They will be among the first European citizens to obtain the licence n. 74 and n. 75 by the United States Department of Agriculture .
They are full of initiative that   will   succeed   obtain a special permission by Italian State to develop a project for raw cotton
cultivation   in   Italian East Africa that will allow the young nephew of Mr Amiotti, Giuseppe Bellomo, to make a show of his skills.
In the postwar,   the Company keeps on developing its links and trading from United States and Egypt reinforcing meamtime its
position on Italian market . We reach beginning of 50’s , the start of what will be known as the “economic boom” and it is in that
period   that Mr Mario Battistel will prematurely die .
The head office is moved in the old town centre , in Corso Vittorio Emanuele where the young nephew Mario Bellomo cooperates
successfully with the Uncle Amiotti in running the Company .
After years of fruitful work , Mr. Luigi Amiotti takes the decision to retire from business . He gives the Company to the now fully
matured Giuseppe Bellomo that will bring on brilliantly activity till   beginning of   1983 when He will   retire   passing   the
Company to   the ones who were the   selling   Agents .
The new business parteners are: Mr Ciro Dolce, Federico Bozzoli, Orazio Guadagna. They will be soon joined by Mr Aldo Friedenberg ( a
brilliant ex Manager of International Contoller S.G.S. ) in the position of President and his young promising son Mr. Giacomo Friedenberg .
A particular mention for Mr. Francesco Castellano to remember his short but very intense adventure in Battistel Amiotti team .

We have reached the 90’s : Mr. Ciro Dolce will be forced to quit the Company for health reasons , replaced by the eclectic Armando
Bonecchi ( ex Spinner, co-owner of Cotonificio di Biadene with a medicine degree and a passion for philosophy) .
Afterwards it will be Mr. Federico Bozzoli turn to leave the Company while Massimo Bolognesi enters as new partner .

Then it will be Orazio Guadagna ( for health reasons ) and Mr Armando Bonecchi ( to carry out plans kept long time in the
drawer ) to decide to retire .

A big thank also the persons who accompanied behind the scenes Battistel Amiotti S.r.l. :
Ida Mugnai, Amos Mugnai, Beatrice Tatto, Marino Finessi, Maurizia  Rosmini , Vincenzo Sorice , Patrizia Gualteri , Antonella Imbastaro

(may the ones I forgot to mention forgive me, was not my intention but ready to update)